Pistachio and blood pressure: Pistachio is one of the healthy snacks for pistachio shell children and adults. Many people think that the relationship between pistachios and high blood pressure is directly related to each other. But salted pistachios are dangerous for pregnant women and those with high blood pressure. Hence, this group of people should start eating raw pistachios. There are other nuts that can reduce this disease.
In general, research has shown that people who eat nuts are healthier. Of course, it should be noted that due to these, most nuts have a lot of calories and fat; You should not overdo it. Eating nuts and nuts on a regular basis helps control high cholesterol, digestive disorders, cardiovascular disease, obesity, osteoarthritis, Alzheimer's and dementia and diabetes. In the continuation of this article, the site of seven brains will acquaint you with the relationship between hazelnuts, walnuts, almonds, raisins, and blood pressure, and whether pistachios are good for blood pressure; do.